The main source of pollution from houses, particularly, individual houses in the countryside, comes from the septic tank or other domestic waste water treatment system (DWWTS).

The main source of pollution from houses, particularly, individual houses in the countryside, comes from the septic tank or other domestic waste water treatment system (DWWTS).
The main source of pollution from houses, particularly, individual houses in the countryside, is the septic tank or other domestic waste water treatment system (DWWTS). These types of systems can release nutrients, organic matter and microbes into the environment which can impact both water quality, public health and quality of life.
If you are building a new home which will be served by a septic tank or other DWWTS, you should ensure that: your site is properly assessed by a qualified site assessor; the system is designed to the required standard and; that it is properly installed and maintained.
If you already have a septic tank or other DWWTS you should ensure that it is adequately maintained by regular desludging and that it is continuing to function as required.
The EPA provide excellent and comprehensive information and advice to homeowners about all aspects of septic tanks and DWWTS on their website. You can access this content by visiting the EPA’s website.