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The Waters of LIFE Project’s catchment scientist team is at full complement for the first time ahead of a busy year for the EU funded project.

Ruth Bennett Coady has joined the project as a catchment ecologist and will be based in the Graney demonstration sub-catchment in east Clare and south east Galway. The appointment means that the project has a dedicated scientist working in each of its five demonstration sub-catchments for the first time.

2025 will see Waters of LIFE roll out its agri-environmental programme pilot with farmers in Clare, Cork, Galway, Roscommon and Wicklow. It comes after an intensive period of community engagement and an open campaign for expressions of interest.

Eligible farmers will be contacted in January and February for the programme to commence in the spring time.

“We’re delighted to welcome Ruth on board ahead as we roll out a key pillar of our project,” said Waters of LIFE Project Manager Anne Goggin.

“Ruth brings a wealth of experience and skills to the role. We’ve recruited strategically and her ecological background and knowledge of agri-environment schemes is a great fit for a strong team.”

“2025 is a landmark year for Waters of LIFE. From small beginnings, we’re excited to be working on the ground with farmers and advisors to show how measures can really work for water quality.”

Waters of LIFE Catchment Scientist Ruth Bennett Coady

Ruth Bennett Coady most recently spent a number of years as a Senior Project Officer with ACRES Co-Operation. Her work in delivering the scheme saw her directly supporting farmers and farm advisors with agri-environment climate measures.

This included production of farm plans, habitat assessments, training delivery and direct engagement with local communities. The Graney demonstration sub-catchment is well known to Ruth through her time with ACRES CP.

Ruth’s holds a B.Agr.Sc in Agri-Environmental Science and a Master’s degree in Agriculture, Innovation and Support from UCD, where her thesis explored the role of knowledge exchange in halting the decline of threatened wading birds.

She has also worked as an agro-ecology research assistant in Atlantic Technological University, primarily focused on high-nature value farmland and the sustainable development of rural areas.

The full demonstration sub-catchment team is as follows:

Avonmore, Co. Wicklow – Mark Desmond

Awbeg (Kilbrin), Co. Cork – Philip Murphy

Graney, Co. Clare / Galway – Ruth Bennett Coady

Islands, Co. Galway / Roscommon – John Kelly

Shournagh, Co. Cork – Ciarán Sheelan

You can contact any of our catchment team by going to www.watersoflife/contact