Vacancy: Catchment Ecologist with Waters of LIFE project
The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage is inviting applications for the above position of Catchment Ecologist on the EU Waters of LIFE Integrated Project.
The Open Competition is for a fixed purpose contract ending on 31st March 2028.
The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) is the Government
Department responsible for housing and water, physical and spatial planning, local government, weather forecasting and for conserving and managing Ireland’s unique heritage for the benefit of present and future generations.
The European Union’s EU LIFE programme is part of the EU’s funding for environment and climate action. The Waters of LIFE Integrated Project aims to help reverse the loss of Ireland’s most pristine rivers.
The ongoing loss of high status rivers is among the most concerning, protracted and persistent water quality trend in Ireland. The project will establish a demonstration project to develop, test and validate effective measures to reverse this declining trend.
A total of six project catchments have been selected: five test catchments and one control catchment. Part of selecting suitable catchments and measures will be encouraging multiple benefits for climate action and biodiversity. The project will include a ‘Results Based Agri-environmental Payment Scheme’ (RBAPS) for participating landowners. Engaging and communicating with stakeholders and the public will be an important element of the project.
The project team will operate as a separate intact team for the duration of the project. The Team will work in close cooperation with other River Basin Management Plan projects and implementation bodies such as the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) and the Local Authorities’ Blue Dot Catchment Programme. The project is expected to run until March 2028.
Additional Information
For further information, copies of the Candidate Information Booklets and Application Forms for all of the posts please click here.
Employing Department/Authority
Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage
The Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage is recruiting for this position under its Recruitment Licence issued by the Commission for Public Service Appointments (CPSA) and in accordance with the CPSA’s Code of Practice.
Employing Department/Authority Website
The Catchment Ecologist will will be based in the Graney SC 020 catchment in Co. Clare, at locations to be agreed with the project manager. The main project office is located in Croom County Limerick and the successful candidates will be required to attend meetings at this location from time to time.
The co-ordinating section of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage’s Water Division is located in the Custom House, Dublin and the successful candidate may also be required to attend meetings there occasionally.
The closing date for applications is 5 PM on Friday 30th August 2024
Applicants should submit completed application forms to recruitment@housing.gov.ie
Please note: Only applications submitted on the official application form will be considered.
Advertising Date
08th August 2024
Closing Date for Applications
5:00 PM on Friday 30th August 2024
DHLGH Catchment Ecologist Website Advert
Waters of LIFE Catchment Ecologist Information Booklet
Waters of LIFE Catchment Ecologist Application Form